“My educators have said that families often struggle, or don’t know how they can contribute to their children’s learning. Storypark has transformed this for them. It provides a platform for families and educators to engage and contribute different perspectives on their children’s learning, thinking, development and wellbeing. At the end of the day, we are all working to achieve greater outcomes for children and Storypark makes a significant and authentic contribution.
We implemented Storypark to replace our previous custom solution. At a centre level, we have really found it has enhanced the partnerships and relationships that exist between families and educators. The interface is extremely user-friendly and familiar and as a result, families feel a level of confidence when using it.
Storypark builds collaboration and connection between educators, children and families, not only locally, but globally. Extended family members living overseas are reading posts about their beloved nieces, nephews or grandchildren. All families are invited to make comments on the posts, and in return share their own experiences. We use these to bridge the distance and share them with the children.
Storypark is also an efficient and sustainable way for educators to store documentation about groups and individual children, regarding their learning, development and participation in the program. As a large amount of information recorded about a specific child is all stored in one place, this information can be easily accessed and pulled together for summaries of children’s learning, development and participation for purposes such as 6 monthly summative assessments. These can then be shared with the family and other educators, to reflect upon and then use for further planning for that child.
In addition to the benefits of communication about individual children, Storypark can also be used to communicate the centre’s group messages to families. This includes group program plans, group learning stories, newsletters, the Quality Improvement Plan, special events, fundraising events and specific information, photos and videos about centre wide practice and programming decisions.
In this fast paced life we all lead, working families feel that since Guardian have been using Storypark, they genuinely know more about their child’s day. Educators feel they have a platform that very quickly and easily communicates effectively with families.”
Tom Hardwick,
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